It could be that as you read this I’m headed to Haiti via Dallas and a night stay in Miami. Turns out it’s spring break time and most of the flights to Haiti are booked. So the only flight I could get was an early a.m. from Miami to Haiti which meant the overnight in Miami. So there you have it Haiti is officially a spring break destination (not). And I’m headed to South Beach (maybe.)

So for those of you wondering why I’m blogging to the Trilogy site about a trip to Haiti the answer is simple. Trilogy is a design and build company and I’m going to Haiti to design and build. Actually, our next project is in the planning stage and this trip is part of that planning process. We are going to interview a number of distressed orphanages and decide which one to take on as our next project.

And I’ll be blogging from an iPad and an iPhone so we’ll see how that goes. I just don’t want to take my laptop to Haiti and risk having it damaged or go missing. We’re going to be moving around between multiple destinations and the lighter we travel the better.

So here is a photo of Mike M. And some of our “kids” taken just last April. More to follow. Please visit the Haiti Orphan Rescue website and give what you can.

965 N Ten Mile Dr. , Unit A1 Frisco, CO 80443
Phone: 970-453-2230

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