Born of a collaboration between Bo Adamson and Wolfgang Feist, passive homes are built to host a comfortable living space maintained using the most efficient heating and cooling possible. One prominent characteristic of these homes is their minimized air leakage, so much so that certified homes can leak no more than 60 percent of their volume per hour. Other criteria impact all parts of the home, including but not limited to its ventilation, its heating and cooling, its insulation systems, and even its building materials.

Such homes are becoming more and more popular because the interest in efficient buildings is continuing to rise. More and more countries are rushing to cut their carbon emissions, which has enormous impact on building prices because buildings are responsible for 48 percent of said emissions.

Passive homes are predicted to increase in value because of both consumer interest and savings from efficient operation. Furthermore, there are other benefits to choosing such homes, ranging from the reduction of noise to tax benefits from using environmental methods and materials. Combined, these strengths suggest that passive homes will be the face of the future.

To capitalize on this trend, please contact us at Trilogy Partners.

Here in the Colorado High Country, it’s been a long, cold winter. It’s mid May and it snowed the last two days. Which is why today, with the sun out and temperatures rising, I’m reminded of just how important the sun is. And it’s not just about passive heating, I’m talking about how sun warms the soul and illuminates the mind. I can’t tell you just how important the relationship between house and sun can be. Whenever we first consult with a client on the design of their home, the first two things I think about are access and solar orientation. And when orientating the house, I always favor the sun over the view when a compromise is necessary.

There are some general rules when it comes to solar orientation. There are times when the sun beating down on us brings welcome relief from the cold. And when that beating leaves us gasping and heat exhausted. In temperate (two or more season climates) ideally the axis of a home is parallel to the sun’s arc. Windows and roof overhangs combine to provide both sun and shade. For instance, in the summer when the sun is high and the days are warmest, roof overhangs should shade the house and particularly the windows when the sun is at it’s zenith. In the winter, when the sun is lower in the sky, those same overhangs allow the sun to reach the walls and windows of the house. The term for this is passive solar design, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s just common sense.

Obviously, the best lots allow for the ideal orientation. Choose a lot with views that include solar exposure. Otherwise, the view and exposure will compete, and you’ll need to make a choice between sun and scenery. It’s always best to choose a lot that won’t require such a difficult compromise. Choose the view over the sun, and you’re likely to be staring at window coverings all winter as you struggle to keep your house warm.

965 N Ten Mile Dr. , Unit A1 Frisco, CO 80443
Phone: 970-453-2230

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