Choosing to build a net zero energy home can have a huge effect on not just reducing your environmental footprint, but on the cost of your home over its entire lifespan. You may have to invest more money into building a net zero energy home, but that the savings you’ll experience over the home’s life will be well worth it.

Trilogy Shares Ways to Selecting Zero Energy Home Plans


Once you factor in utility incentives or tax credits, your net zero energy home will only cost between 5 and 10 percent more to build than a normal home. The leftover difference will be recouped over the next 5 to 10 years in energy savings.

One of the key aspects to designing a net zero energy house is to build the most efficient building envelop that you can afford. The building envelope is the thermal barrier between the inside of your home and the outside of your home. The more effective it is, the less heat will leak out during the winter and the less cool air will escape during the summer.

Consider the benefits of designing a net zero energy home and contact us at Trilogy Builds for advice on selecting the green home design for you.

One of the things that you should consider when investing in a green building project is making your new home a zero-energy home. A zero-energy home is a sustainable home that produces as much energy as it consumes on an annual basis. The following are a few tips for building a zero-energy home:

zero-energy homes

Source: Trilogy Builds

One of the most important elements of designing a zero-energy home is ensuring that the amount of energy that you need in order to both heat and cool the house is reduced. This is done by making sure the entire home has top-notch insulation to keep air from leaking out or in.

Another element to help reduce energy leaks is choosing the right windows. High-quality, energy-efficient windows will go a long way in making your home more energy efficient. You should also consider the HVAC system you use. Proper sizing software is needed for well-insulated homes so that over-sized equipment isn’t used, which is a waste of energy.

These are just a few elements that will help to create a zero-energy home. For additional information on green building, be sure to contact us at Trilogy Builds today.

The path towards a zero-energy home is not as difficult as it may seem. In fact, there are dozens of ways to decrease your energy footprint and contribute to the maintenance of the environment while still building a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing home.

reducing a home's carbon footprint

Source: Shutter Stock

Here are just a few examples to go Zero Energy:

  • Low Flow Toilet and Shower Fixtures: These wonders of modern technology deliver the best in comfort and convenience while also minimizing the amount of water necessary to do the job.
  • Compact Fluorescent and Common Sense: Turning off the lights and unplugging extraneous power supplies is the first step towards zero energy use. Then, use CFLs to keep it at a minimum.
  • Insulate and Seal: It is truly amazing how much energy can be lost through poorly sealed and insufficiently insulated walls, ceilings and windows. Have a professional check these areas for the best results.
  • Update Your HVAC System: Easily the most costly system in your house. Newer ones are simply far more efficient than older ones.

For more information on this and other green building topics, please contact us at Trilogy Partners.

965 N Ten Mile Dr. , Unit A1 Frisco, CO 80443
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